Minggu, 24 Juni 2018

Get Free Ebook B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore

Get Free Ebook B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore

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B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore

B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore

B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore

Get Free Ebook B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore

Finished with your spare time and have no suggestion the best ways to do? Get the B Is For Bitcoin, By Graeme Moore as well as take it as your analysis publication. Why should read? Some people will believe that this is an extremely lazy as well as boring activity to do. In addition, lots of with leisure often believe that they are totally free. That's not the time for learning. Well, reads only for your when finding out or examining something? Definitely that's not.

This B Is For Bitcoin, By Graeme Moore is extremely appropriate for you as newbie reader. The users will constantly start their reading behavior with the preferred theme. They may not consider the author as well as author that produce the book. This is why, this book B Is For Bitcoin, By Graeme Moore is really best to check out. However, the idea that is given up this book B Is For Bitcoin, By Graeme Moore will certainly reveal you numerous things. You could start to love also checking out until the end of guide B Is For Bitcoin, By Graeme Moore.

When reading this publication all the time, you can obtain tired. Yet, you can make an excellent way by reading it little however, for certain. After some time, you can lowly enjoy the book analysis quite possibly. By curiosity, you will certainly have ready greater than the others. This B Is For Bitcoin, By Graeme Moore is offered to present in soft data and also published. As well as below, exactly what we will show you are the soft data of this boo.

Relying on the requirements, this publication likewise includes the determination of many people making adjustments. The method is by locating the web content and also just how you recognize it. One that ought to be born in mind is that this publication is additionally composed by a great writer, good author wit professionalism and trust. So, B Is For Bitcoin, By Graeme Moore is much advised for you, an individual who anticipates much better way to living style.

B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore

From the Author

I started writing B is for Bitcoin in 2015 after becoming completely obsessed with Bitcoin. At the time, I wasn't sure how I could contribute to the Bitcoin world I loved so much. I didn't know how to code, and I wasn't ready to start my first company. I figured the best way to contribute would be to make a children's book that inspired people to learn more about Bitcoin. A few years, a lot of procrastination, and a whirlwind adventure into all things blockchain later, and here we are. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed making it.

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From the Back Cover

B is for Bitcoin is the first-ever ABC book about cryptocurrency. Learn your ABCs while learning more about open, global, transnational, borderless, censorship resistant, permissionless, digital money.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Age Range: 1 - 4 years

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 3

Hardcover: 32 pages

Publisher: Graeme Moore (August 15, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1999411102

ISBN-13: 978-1999411107

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.0 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#780,896 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I purchased two copies. I have one on display on my coffee table (which tends to be an excellent conversation starter whenever I have guests over) and one for my little nephew who absolutely adores it. Beautiful artwork and wonderful book! Would definitely buy more copies in the future for family and friends!

The cover is correct (B is for Bitcoin); however the pages seem to belong to another book called "Diogee"See pictures above

B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore PDF
B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore EPub
B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore Doc
B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore iBooks
B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore rtf
B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore Mobipocket
B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore Kindle

B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore PDF

B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore PDF

B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore PDF
B Is for Bitcoin, by Graeme Moore PDF

Rabu, 20 Juni 2018

Download , by Kelly Link

Download , by Kelly Link

When obtaining the publication , By Kelly Link by online, you can review them anywhere you are. Yeah, also you are in the train, bus, hesitating listing, or other areas, on-line e-book , By Kelly Link can be your great close friend. Every single time is a great time to read. It will boost your expertise, enjoyable, amusing, lesson, and also experience without investing even more cash. This is why on the internet publication , By Kelly Link ends up being most wanted.

, by Kelly Link

, by Kelly Link

, by Kelly Link

Download , by Kelly Link

Come follow us each day to know what publications upgraded on a daily basis. You recognize, the books that we offer daily will be updated. And now, we will give you the new book that can be reference. You could choose , By Kelly Link as the book to review currently. Why should be this book? This is just one of the current book collections to upgrade in this site. The book is likewise suggested as a result of the solid factors that make numerous people like to make use of as reading product.

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Envision that you are sitting overlooking something fantastic as well as all-natural; you could hold your gizmo as well as rest to read , By Kelly Link This is not just regarding the getaways. This time around will also maintain you to constantly enhance your expertise and also perception making much better future. When you truly enable to make use of the moment for everything useful, your life has been grown perfectly. It is one of the particular that you can manage reading this book. Just a couple of part of the generous benefits to take by reviewing publication.

, by Kelly Link

Product details

File Size: 3429 KB

Print Length: 353 pages

Publisher: Random House (February 3, 2015)

Publication Date: February 3, 2015

Language: English




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Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Screen Reader:


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' + "The text of this e-book can be read by popular screen readers. Descriptive text for images (known as “ALT text”) can be read using the Kindle for PC app and on Fire OS devices if the publisher has included it. If this e-book contains other types of non-text content (for example, some charts and math equations), that content will not currently be read by screen readers. Learn more" + '

"popoverLabel": "The text of this e-book can be read by popular screen readers. Descriptive text for images (known as “ALT text”) can be read using the Kindle for PC app if the publisher has included it. If this e-book contains other types of non-text content (for example, some charts and math equations), that content will not currently be read by screen readers.",

"closeButtonLabel": "Screen Reader Close Popover"



Enhanced Typesetting:


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"closeButtonLabel": "Enhanced Typesetting Close Popover"



Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#54,719 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Once in a while, an author comes along who seems able to spin language into gold. Ms. Link has few peers in contemporary literature, with Karen Russell (Swamplandia, Vampires in the Lemon Grove) as a rare equal. Her writing is clean, transparent and matter of fact, with stories that are casual disturbances of conventional reality. Nothing unusual to see here folks. Each story is very much like the peculiar wind-up toys described in The Summer People. Jeweled miniatures with unexpected and unsettling contents.

One thing I like about short stories is the authors can create worlds that are different from ours in subtle or outrageous ways, and they don't have to explain or justify it - that responsibility of understanding falls on the reader. In long form the author must give the details on these differences but in short form there is no opportunity so the reader has to fill in the blanks. Kelly Link creates delicious worlds in her short stories that are not difficult for the read to accept, but do require the reader to really engage in the story to think about this world and how it could exist, and once the reader accepts that world she provides just enough detail on the environment to let the reader create the background while she focuses on the character and the plot. Great collection.

Incredibly weird in the best way possible. Started me down a path of reading as much weird/magical stuff as I could get my hands on, after years of sticking to mostly straight realistic literary stuff.

Author is adept at maintaining a sense of surrealism and suspense. Her characters tend to move forward, not in a straight line beginning to end fashion but in curious and entertaining fits and starts....Rather than being offered and accepting a passive role in reading a "he said she said narrative", with first or third person narrator in control, in these stories, I felt I was granted access to the inner thoughts and feelings of the story teller, not as they were remembered, but as they sprang to life in that character's mind.

I really enjoyed these stories for the most part-- there was only one or two that I had to slog through. The overall tone of the book is a little depressing/ dark in my opinion, which I didn't mind but some might. I took this one on vacation and do not regret it but this is not an easy breezy sunny funny read. I plan to read some of the stories again for sure, several of them left me wanting more.

Gritty, sparse writing. Sometimes Kelly's writing style gets in the way of the story. Some stories end abruptly--off a cliff with no where to go, and the reader is left wondering what just happened. This was a book club selection, so I hung in there and read it.

Stories linked by trouble- what fun! These stories and writing were surprising and wonderful. I loved not knowing what was next. Though it was irritating to have to reset with every story, the effort was worth it, even when I didn't want the story to end.

Darkish "modern fairytales" you might call them, mostly well written with some risky writing style experiments thrown in. Characters are interesting and dialogue is solid and realistic. Worth the price. Enjoyable read.

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Senin, 18 Juni 2018

Download PDF Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham

Download PDF Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham

However, the presence of this book actually recovers that you have to change that mind. Not all best publications make use of the hard impression to take. Thus, you have to be so more effective to overcome the existence of the book to get all finest. This term relates to the web content of this publication. Even it includes the most preferred topic to speak about; the visibility of language and words that are combined with the background of the author will truly come properly

Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham

Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham

Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham

Download PDF Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham

We think that you will be interested to read Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), By Thomas Flintham now. This is a new coming book from a very popular author in this globe. No complicated regulation, no challenging words, as well as no complicated sources. This book will be proper enough for you. This analysis material tends to be a day-to-day reading model. So, you could read it based on your demands. Checking out throughout completed can offer you the big outcome. As what other people do, many that reviewed a publication by coating can acquire the advantage completely.

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Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham


Praise for Game Over, Super Rabbit Boy (Press Start! #1):"The fast, repetitive plot uses basic, simple sentences and child-friendly objects of interest, such as lakes of lava, for children working on reading independence, while the nerdy in-jokes benefit adults reading with a child. A strong series start." -- Kirkus"A strong addition to most chapter book collections, especially where there are gamers." -- School Library Journal"The gaming gimmick and graphic layout is sure to appeal to many readers, especially reluctant ones." -- Booklist

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From the Inside Flap

Join hero Super Rabbit Boy, meanie King Viking, and more friends and foes as they race in the Super Cup Grand Prix! Super Rabbit Boy really wants to win. But with tricks, traps, and speedy racers to beat, winning won't be easy. Can Super Rabbit Boy outpac

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Age Range: 5 - 7 years

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 2

Lexile Measure: 540L (What's this?)

amznJQ.available('jQuery', function() {

amznJQ.available('popover', function() {


showOnHover: true,

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title: 'What is a Lexile measure?',

width: 480,

literalContent: 'A Lexile® measure represents either an individual's reading ability (a Lexile reader measure) or the complexity of a text (a Lexile text measure). Lexile measures range from below 200L for early readers and text to above 1600L for advanced readers and materials. When used together Lexile measure help a reader find books at an appropriate level of challenge, and determine how well that reader will likely comprehend a text. When a Lexile text measure matches a Lexile reader measure, this is called a "targeted" reading experience. The reader will likely encounter some level of difficulty with the text, but not enough to get frustrated. This is the best way to grow as a reader - with text that's not too hard but not too easy.',

openEventInclude: "CLICK_TRIGGER"




Series: Press Start! (Book 3)

Paperback: 80 pages

Publisher: Branches (October 31, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1338034774

ISBN-13: 978-1338034776

Product Dimensions:

5.2 x 0.3 x 7.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

43 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,186 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

My 6y.o. loves this series of books. I think it's a clever idea to make a book for kids by incorporating video game idea (what could be better for the modern kids to get them interested in reading).We bought one of these books at the book fair, he read it by himself that night and we had to buy more. He loves these books and I love that he's reading on his own.

Great book for my 8 year old who has struggled with reading. It gives him more confidence im Reading and he enjoys that it’s a “chapter book”. The shorty line is simple and easy to follow and the chapters are short so he can take breaks frequently. I’m hoping that these books will spark a love for reading. He even top them to school so his teacher could see how well he was reading!

My 7 year old son (who doesn't like to read much) loved these books. It's the rare time he asked me to order whatever there was in the series but I think there are only two books so I hope they will put out more.

My sons love these books! Ages 5, 7, and 9yo. Too hard for my kindergarten emergent reader, but my 1st and 3rd grader can, and do, read these themselves! Buying all books in this series :)

My 10 year old son loves this series. He is autistic and he loves to play video games. He reads these books every night before bed.

This series is such a huge hit with my five year old son. He reads these over and over, occasionally laughing out loud. My four year old daughter also loves having these read to her. They both have started to play some video games with their dad and they can relate to a lot of the plot points.

1st grade and 4th grader love these books! Easy to read for my 1st grader, but still interesting for my 4th grader.


Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham PDF
Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham EPub
Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham Doc
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Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham Mobipocket
Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham Kindle

Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham PDF

Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham PDF

Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham PDF
Super Rabbit Racers!: A Branches Book (Press Start! #3), by Thomas Flintham PDF

Jumat, 15 Juni 2018

PDF Download , by Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker

PDF Download , by Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker

Subsequent just what we will certainly provide in this write-up regarding , By Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker You know actually that this book is coming as the best vendor publication today. So, when you are actually a good visitor or you're followers of the author, it does will certainly be amusing if you don't have this publication. It means that you have to get this book. For you who are beginning to find out about something new and really feel curious about this publication, it's easy then. Just get this publication and feel just how this book will certainly give you more exciting lessons.

, by Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker

, by Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker

, by Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker

PDF Download , by Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker

Think of a good publication, we advise concerning , By Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker This is not a brand-new most current book, however this publication is constantly remembering all the time. Many individuals are so pleasant for this, authored by a well-known author. When you intend to purchase this benefit in some shops, you might not find it. Yeah, it's restricted now, most likely or it is always sold out. However here, no worry about it! You can get it whenever you desire as well as every where you are.

We know and also recognize that often publications will make you feel bored. Yeah, investing often times to just read will specifically make it real. However, there are some ways to overcome this problem. You can only invest your time to read in couple of pages or for loading the leisure. So, it will not make you really feel burnt out to constantly encounter those words. And also one essential point is that this book supplies extremely fascinating topic to read. So, when checking out , By Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker, we make certain that you will not discover bored time.

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If perplexed on ways to obtain guide, you may not need to get confused anymore. This internet site is served for you to assist whatever to find the book. Because we have actually completed books from globe writers from several countries, you necessity to obtain the book will be so simple here. When this , By Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker tends to be the book that you need so much, you can find it in the web link download. So, it's very easy then exactly how you get this publication without spending many times to browse and also find, experimentation in the book store.

, by Stanley W. Jacob Martin Zucker

Product details

File Size: 371 KB

Print Length: 276 pages

Publisher: Berkley; Reprint edition (December 1, 1999)

Publication Date: December 1, 1999

Sold by: Penguin Group (USA) LLC

Language: English




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Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Screen Reader:


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"popoverLabel": "The text of this e-book can be read by popular screen readers. Descriptive text for images (known as “ALT text”) can be read using the Kindle for PC app if the publisher has included it. If this e-book contains other types of non-text content (for example, some charts and math equations), that content will not currently be read by screen readers.",

"closeButtonLabel": "Screen Reader Close Popover"



Enhanced Typesetting:


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"closeButtonLabel": "Enhanced Typesetting Close Popover"



Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#221,950 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book was a life saver for me. I have had chronic back pain caused by a fall, for many years. I had been scheduled for surgery, but I have had surgeries for this in the past, and they did not relieve the pain. This surgery had the potential of leaving me paralyzed from the neck down, so I figured I had nothing to lose by getting the book. The information was very clear and easy to understand and offered me hope. I ordered from one of the pure MSM suppliers recommended and within days of taking a pretty high dosage, MSM became the miracle I needed. I cancelled the surgery and just keep taking the MSM. I take a much lower dose now that things are under control, but it the pain comes back, I just up the dose for a few days again. And, this was over 3 years ago. My recommendation is read the book, and try it, you have little to lose, but perhaps a lot to gain.

After a failed back surgery, a neighbor recommended MSM for my severe back pain because I won't use narcotic pain medication. I have a lot of allergies and sensitivities, so I wanted more information before I started ingesting something that might cause an allergic reaction. I am allergic to sulfur drugs, and MSM is a sulfur derivative. But after reading the book, I learned that MSM is not the same as the sulfur prescriptions that I had an allergic reaction to. I also learned that MSM is supposed to be effective for relieving many types of ailments. I was skeptical about a product that claims it can cure or treat almost everything. But I was suffering from chronic, debilitating pain, so I started taking MSM. It's supposed to reduce inflammation which causes of pain, but it didn't help my pain. That might just be because I have herniated discs that are pinching the sciatic nerve. However, my boyfriend swears by it, and claims it relieves his various aches and pains. The one thing that I do love about MSM, though, is that it makes my hair grow really fast and more hair is growing in thicker, even in places where it used to be thinning. Also, it makes my finger nails grow really fast, and they are stronger, without the ridges I used to have in my nails. So the sulfur in the MSM has a good cosmetic effect for me, but no medicinal benefit. It did not relieve my pain. Nonetheless, I have been taking it daily because I like the effect on my hair and nails. The book is good because it tells you how to take MSM. You won't have any adverse effect if you overdose on it, but if you take too much, you'll get loose stools. You have to start with a really small amount and gradually work up to a larger dosage. Your body will let you know when you're reached the maximum amount that you can take on a daily basis. I've been taking it every day for almost four years now. I buy it at the animal feed store. One time I was out of state and tried to buy it at the same chain store where I usually shop in my state. The price was considerably higher. I asked the store manager if the price was marked wrong on the product. He told me that he would lower the price for me, and the reason they charge so much for it there is because people use it as a component to make illegal street drugs. One last thing--it tastes terrible. I heat about an eighth of a cup of water in the microwave, then stir in the MSM until it dissolves, hold my nose and chug it. After taking it every day for a while, I wasn't bothered by the taste any more. But if I stop taking it for a while and then start using it again, the taste is as bad as when I originally started using it.

This is a very helpful book. I was blessed to read it and I have benefited greatly by taking MSM. I have less pain in my joints and more energy. Also, I gave this book as a gift to my father in law who suffers from chronic shoulder pain. I packaged it up with some Jarrow MSM powder + Solaray Vitamin C. He loved it and he's been taking it daily.

This book is worth its weight in gold. I discovered this "gem" when I worked at the Central Library in Los Angeles. As a person who had a severe case of osteoarthritis I sought out every means possible for relief from the debilitating, unbearable pain I was suffering.All the injections from MDs and the pharmaceutical "poison" they were prescribing were nothing but a slow road to death. But after reading this miracle book of Dr. Jacob's I was finally on the road to an all-natural, non-toxic recovery. After using MSM to treat myself and seeing how powerful and effective it was while having no negative side-effects, I began sharing it with my wife for her screaming, painful monthly menstruation periods. Again, MSM proved effective. I then began sharing it with my martial arts students who complained about various pains. Once again, MSM proved to stem various pains effectively with no side-effects.This is what lead to the creation of my Heaven's Palm Pain KNOCKOUT! One of the most innovative lotions one can have on the shelf.-- Coach MelvinChief Instructor, Heaven's Palm Boxing Association,and Award-winning Author

Since MSM can't be patented, the possibility of generating profits in a venture is null, therefore the amount of clinical research that may arise in the diverse medical applications of this wonderful molecule is also nil. Allopathic medicine will never consider this product as part of its arsenal. I believe that little by little, naturopathic medicine, specialization in nutrition and the education of us, as a society, will allow the contact of ill patient with compounds like MSM.If traditional medicine does not fix its compass, it will disappear.

Great book to go along with the MSM I buy. (Kala Brand) Very informative and lots of personal stories of healing. Been on MSM for @ 6mos now and feel great!!

I read this book cause I wanted to figure out more on how MSM works for me. I am taking the supplement and enjoyed all the you tube videos on the subject. Just needed something to share with friends on the benefit of MSM and to recommend taking it for anyone who has knee pain. Great book, very insightful, educational and informative.

This is a very good book. I actually bought this book from a bookstore years ago. I reordered it from Amazon to send to a friend who was having pain and thought that maybe MSM would help her. I use MSM for arthritis pain it works for me. What I really like about this book are the thorough question and answer explanations about how to use MSM and the stories in it of of the people it helped who had different ailments.

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Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018

Ebook Download I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss

Ebook Download I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss

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I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss

I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss

I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss

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I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss


"[An] emotion-filled memoir full of grit and humor...Inspiring and thoroughly entertaining, Hart's memoir brings his readers into his hilarious universe of stories and philosophy."  (Publishers Weekly, starred review)"Hart is an incredibly magnetic storyteller, on the page as he is onstage, and that’s what shines through…a genial, entertaining guide to a life in comedy.”  (Kirkus Reviews)"Hilarious but also heartfelt." (Elle Magazine)

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About the Author

Kevin Hart is an award-winning actor and comedian. His films, including Kevin Hart: What Now?, Central Intelligence, Think Like a Man, Get Hard, Ride Along, The Wedding Ringer, and The Secret Life of Pets have earned over $3.5 billion at the box office. His stand-up comedy tours, including Let Me Explain, Laugh at My Pain, and What Now?, have sold out arenas and football stadiums, leading Forbes to name him the “king of comedy.” He is also the first comedian with a Nike sneaker line; a television producer, creating the BET show Real Husbands of Hollywood and the Laugh Out Loud Network; and CEO of Hartbeat Productions. Hart currently lives in Los Angeles with his family.Neil Strauss is an award-winning Rolling Stone editor, New York Times columnist, and writer/cowriter of eight New York Times bestselling books including The Game and The Truth.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: Atria / 37 INK; Reprint edition (May 8, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781501155574

ISBN-13: 978-1501155574

ASIN: 1501155571

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 1 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

1,081 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#13,610 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I expected this book to be funny, but what I didn't expect it to be was Profound. You can picture the story of how Kevin Hart grew up as ending in any number of ways, but Comedic Mega-Star wouldn't seem to be a likely outcome. With a father who was a criminal with substance abuse problems and a mother who was basically raising him on her own in a tough Philadelphia neighborhood, Kevin could have been a bitter, resentful victim of the system. Instead, he chose a classical Stoic path and realized that most things were out of his control. Having reached this conclusion, he also determined that the only aspect of his life that he could reliably control what how he chose to respond to his circumstances. He responded by finding humor in difficult experiences, and working harder than anyone else in the face of setbacks. Don't get me wrong, this book is laugh out loud funny, but what kept me reading through the night were the amazing insights and the overwhelming sense of gratitude exuded by Mr. Hart. Being the child of an alcoholic father myself, I strongly identified with his experiences and his reflections on the decision points that came up as he matured. I really enjoyed this book and I'm going to recommend it to my kids as an excellent example of how circumstances can't keep a strong person down for the count. I would give it 6 stars if I could.

a phenomenal job by Kevin Hart! as a big fan of kev Hart, I've watched all his standups and I'm a die hard fan of his style of humor. finding humor in life's difficult circumstances is what Kevin does the best job of in this book. unbelievably hilarious, yet blunt and on point when it comes to the lessons and message he's trying to send out to readers. kudos kev! keep up the good work!

I love memoirs. I read them. I write them. If I had to choose a single genre of literature to read for the rest of my life, memoirs would be it. So I had high expectations of this work because I expected (and was correct in thinking) that Kevin Hart has a hell of a story to tell. But I also care about the technicalities of writing because a good story can go terribly wrong if it is disorganized, under-thought, poorly written, rushed, you name it. I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons delivered on every level for me. First, I LOVE the unconventionality of the book. The disclaimer: hilarious and simultaneous perfectly legal and binding. Who knew such a routine blurb could be so fun to read!? (Kevin knew.) The hilarious chapter headings: again, so fun and innovative. They completely echo the run-on hashtag trend that Kevin Hart himself started. The chapters: numerous but short, direct to the point and plot, and complementary to the story as a whole. And finally, the story: thorough, interesting, free of indulgent self-flattery, brutally honest, raw (by "raw" I mean without frivolous embellishment--what you see is what you get), inspiring, and it may or may not go without saying: hysterically funny despite consistently challenging--even devastatiing--life circumstances. I particularly applaud Mr. Hart on putting into words his introspective learning process of mending old relationships and being successful in new ones. The example he sets in accepting his downfalls, righting his wrongs, transforming his approach to relationships and life, and moving forward with his "grind" with life lessons in tow is commendable. Thank you, Kevin Heart, for endeavoring to write this book. More than anything, you have demonstrated that we are all human: subject to unexpected challenges and capable of great triumph as well as moral defeat. And irrespective of the cards we are dealt or the circumstances that result from our own doing, we have the power to redirect our course and aspire to heights heretofore unnavigated. Bravo!

Many people will look at this and say it's just a snapshot of what a celebrity's life looks like. This mentality would be a major mistake. This is a raw, uncut version of how an inner city kid with an imperfect beginning to his world was able to find huge success because of the lessons learned along the journey to becoming great. Kevin Hart thank you for not waiting until you were 60 years old and gray to pen this book together and showing us the blueprint to success as you continue to climb the ladder to bigger and better things. The inspiration and lessons has me thinking on another level and my family will be thankful for what will come of this newfound wisdom.

A honest funny heatwarming story with wonderful life lessons. Kevin shares the good, bad and ugly in a way that's inspiring. This is a raw look at his life. Love that he gives so much credit to those who have helped him along the way. Finished the book in one day

Not what you would expect from Kevin Hart if you're just a casual fan of his comedy. He is very inspirational with his story telling. He does an amazing job of tying his comedic stories with a life lesson. This guy finds a positive in everything. I recommend to anyone and everyone.

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I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss PDF
I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons, by Kevin Hart Neil Strauss PDF