Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Download Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library)

Download Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library)

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Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library)

Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library)

Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library)

Download Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library)

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Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library)

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Product details

Series: MrExcel Library

Paperback: 432 pages

Publisher: Que Publishing; 1 edition (January 26, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0789748754

ISBN-13: 978-0789748751

Product Dimensions:

7 x 1.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

801 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#415,547 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I bought this textbook for my college class.It is a good textbook if you don't mind spending and extra $60 bucks to access the online content. On virtually every page they tell you several times to go to their website to access the online content for the book. A good portion of the print in the book is them telling you to access such and such online at their website, which you can only do if you purchase the access code. I can't believe that they have the gall to charge $100 bucks for a paperback book and expect you to spend $60 more to access the textbook's online content.I will be complaining to my professor about the deceptiveness of this textbook company.

Want to learn pivot tables fast? In plain English that's engaging and easy to understand? Pivot Table Data Crunching is the book for you. Bill Jelen and Michael Alexander use real world examples and step by step walkthroughs to explain every feature and trick of Excel 2010's pivot table arsenal. The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars is because the downloadable files didn't always jive with the text, and because I would've liked to see more hands-on activities within each chapter.Regarding the downloadable files, they tend to match the "after" figures in the text, and not the "before" figures. So, if you'd like to follow along with the steps in the book, you often need to undo a bunch of organization and calculation steps. Chapter 3 is a good example: the tables where you are guided through modifying the table style already have a custom theme applied. For future volumes, I'd suggest the authors prepare two sets of worksheets for each chapter. One set for readers to modify and another set showing the final product.I also would've liked twice as many case studies in the first 3 or 4 chapters. For me, practice is the best contributor to retention.Having pointed out those two shortcomings, I feel compelled to restate how absurdly wonderful the written explanations in the book are. I've been using a "New Perspectives" textbook for the past year to learn Excel. It's brief pivot table chapter left me confused. After diving into Pivot Table Data Crunching this past weekend, I now feel confident that I have a handle on the topic and can translate that knowledge into real-world time savings at work.

After having a very bad experience with another seller for a book I so badly needed I was sceptical about reordering the same book. But I thought about it and gave it another try and I am so happy that I did. The book was EXACTLY in the condition that the seller stated and is worth every penny I spent. I am very happy with what I ordered and will return to order in the future. I recommended this seller to the students new and returning at my school and in the front office. Thank you again for having reliable sources for students and the like!

This book is not worth the money after about chapter 3. It is hard to follow and none of the examples in the book match up the examples that you are able to download from the website. I dont recommend this book at all. I even emailed the author asking him if there was an updated file I was missing or something and received no response. I dont understand how there are so many good reviews for this book

I'm an experienced user of Office suites including 2010, but needed an updated "Intro" class to complete an AAS. This book would be my choice, were I training others in use of Office 2010. Get the spiral bound version - it'll lay flat, and even permit rolling passed pages to the back of current text, important if your school's workstations are like mine, with about as much space for your book and notepad as an economy-class airline seat's seat-back tray. The companion website was perfectly synchronized with the exercises at the ends of all chapters.

Mildly revised version of previous editions. Insignificant improvement from Bill Jelen's similar publication relating to Pivot Tables in Excel 2007.Author's handling of the subject is clear, highly, informative, well organized. With some professional quality editing this could become an EXCELLENT book. Even in it present form, it is very useful and recommended for anyone wanting to become proficient at using pivot tables and making mince meat of inordinately large data sets.Bill Jelen's book will serve an excellent map into the world of Pivot Tables.Those unfamiliar with Pivot Tables will find this book an efficient and effective teaching tool to gain significant proficiency very quickly.Become proficient with Pivot Tables and soon you will wonder how did you ever got along without them.

I received this book two days ago, and am about half way through. I had NO experience with pivot tables this book has been a life saver. This book has taught me not only how to do pivot tables with excel hands on examples (that you download at Mr. Excel website) but has also taught me how to think critically, why is this important to do, or why does this need to go here and not there. This hands on and theory approach is the best way of learning new concepts. I truly believe that a 10 year old could learn how to do pivot tables with this book it is that well written. The examples are great with data cleaning all the way to VBA programing. This book I would recommend without doubt if you are in need or want to learn pivot tables. I feel confident that in less than 2 days that I will put it on a resume as a technical skill. Best $30 I have ever spent and I would consider this a great investment for your life!

This book was required for a class. Initially the book itself is off-putting. Alot of the websites that the books refer you to to complete lessons have not been re-registered by the domain that had them when this book was originally published. Rendering some of the lesson exercises useless. Ignoring the fact that the passage of time, and the advancements in technology causes some of the lessons to feel abit dated the book itself is simply "alright" if you ignore the earlier mentioned points.Like, who still uses a PDA? *ahem* It gets what you need to know across and I guess that's the point.

Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library) PDF
Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library) EPub
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Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library) Kindle

Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library) PDF

Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library) PDF

Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library) PDF
Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching (MrExcel Library) PDF

Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Ebook , by Daddy Wendell

Ebook , by Daddy Wendell

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Ebook , by Daddy Wendell

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, by Daddy Wendell

Product details

File Size: 1942 KB

Print Length: 76 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: February 16, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B007A7494E



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#665,580 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have wanted to learn how to bootblack for years. My Owner finally suggested I give it a go. After a solid month of polishing boots, a lapse in bootblacking and eventually circling back around to it I picked up this book on a whim.Y'all I tore through it in 24 hours. The book goes into great detail on the chemical composition of dyes, creme, polishes and warnings. The list of supplies covers basics, intermediate and advanced toolkits. The photos of step by step processes for leather care, different types of gear and historical examples are fabulous. I have so many notes and highlights in my Kindle version that it looks like a college textbook before finals week. Get this book. Seriously.

Leather care, whether it be dress shoes, working gear, or just gloves, seems to be a lost art. Having had to teach a few young men how to care for their dress shoes or coats, what polishes to buy, etc. shows that, unless you come from a riding or ranching background, you probably don't know how to care for leather. This book addresses that for everything from working leather to dress to stuff used by certain fetishes out there. (Happily details remember on the safe side of TMI for that). However you use leather, this book discusses how to keep it looking good, waterproof and flexible. If you're going to spend money on real leather, be it dress shoes, custom boots, flight jackets, or purses, this book is a wise investment. With proper care, leather goods live nearly forever and this book will teach you how.

Good comprehensive review of leather care. Some excellent advice for problems seldom encountered. Some of the material would be useful for non leather people.

i have tried looking for several different sources on bootblacking and none of them have been as informative as this one! i will definitely be keeping this book by my side during all my bootblacking escapades!

really well done book. if you are a Bootblack, at any level, beginner or experienced, this book will help you

Having read both of Daddy Wendell's books i have to say the detail is great and there are some really good tricks mentioned in this one that helps in learning more about bootblacking.

Great info on Leather care, thanks!

As a baby bootblack, I love this well written easy to follow book on leather care. It has helped me tremendously.

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