Jumat, 28 April 2017

Download PDF Awaken the Giant Within

Download PDF Awaken the Giant Within

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Awaken the Giant Within

Awaken the Giant Within

Awaken the Giant Within

Download PDF Awaken the Giant Within

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Awaken the Giant Within

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 1 hour and 31 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Abridged

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio

Audible.com Release Date: February 12, 2007

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Tony Robbins exemplifies his life coach teaching styles in a way that empowers the reader to self fulfilment. This book forces you to conduct a reality check and take a hard look in the mirror. It helps you to realize your flaws and "TAKE ACTION" and do something about it. After reading this book I was able to get out of my depression and stop blaming others for my pitfalls. I went from a 6 figure job to unemployed and almost losing my home. I moved in with my parents and that is when I bought this book. Since then (2008) I have used the information towards my own benefit and accomplished things I never thought I could, money, happiness, health and the most important lesson was to slow down and enjoy everything I do. I hope you are able to grab the flame from this book and empower yourself with the use of wisdom Tony has put together.Basic lesson is this: You are a reflection of all of your past thoughts and actions...but you are not your past...its all in your mind stuck leaving you in a rut and this book is the tow truck to help "you" get yourself out.

I was slightly prejudiced about Tony simply because I didn't know anything about him, except he seemed to be a big loud American (all true and not a negative) and a bit too much like a religious preacher. In Ireland we're quicker to take someone down rather than build them up so people with those quick assessments will be avoided.I've read all the top 40 and probably top 100 personal development books out there. Eventually I was running out of ones to read. And I would still come across recommendations for this book every now and then. So I read it. It's brilliant and I wish I read it a few years ago.I am a willing open audience as I've previously read all the books and science information this is based on. Yet Tony brought more insight, different compelling articulation, and real world application beyond what I'd read before to have me raving about this book.It's worth more than the money charged just for the chapter on "rules" and then again for the chapter on "emotions". It's a ridiculous bargain for what I've gained from it and I've since bought it as a Kindle gift for many friends.It's a shame the Audible version is so abridged and unavailable in a full version. Maybe Tony feels it may take away from his audio products sales. I would love an unabridged Audible version and would buy it for many people as a gift.

Although I have always been impressed with Tony Robbins because of extraordinary philanthropic record, my respect for him skyrocketed when I read “Awaken the Giant Within.” This is certainly one those “change your life” books. Tony starts the book with the three steps to success, and then spends the rest of the book inspiring and guiding the reader to improve his life dramatically. The first of the three steps that Tony says is to raise your standards. By reading his approach to this fundamental concept of self-improvement, I realized that I was accepting so many things in my life that, if I would only raise my standards, would be so much improved. From the standpoint of running a business, I began to see how many more people I could help, and in my personal life, too, I realized that I certainly could increase the time I spent with my family and also pursue other personal goals as well. In fact, since I finished the book I have now gotten my spoken French to a much more fluent level and have even performed a short stand-up comedy bit to group of about fifty people.One of the themes that Tony constantly teaches is that everything we do is for one of two reasons: increase pleasure or avoid pain. He often uses weight loss strategies as a way to help readers think of ways to use the pleasure/pain principal in their lives. I decided to apply that, and started on a weight loss program, too. Although I wasn’t suffering from being terribly overweight, I had certainly let a few too many pounds slip on over the years. Moreover, I had also moved towards a less healthy diet. By internalizing Tony’s approach, I have not only cut out all processed sugars from my diet (no cakes, cookies, candy) which will lower my chances to get diabetes one day, but I also was able drop about 15 pounds, bringing me almost to my ideal weight (where I expect to be within another month or two).These are just a few examples of how reading “Awaken” has improved my life. There are many more, and I am just one of millions of people who’ve had their lives improved because of Tony Robbins. I strongly suggest this book to everyone.

Did I just pay for full price for what should be considered a free sample? I’m disappointed Amazon even considers this an “audiobook.” This short version shouldn’t even be considered abridged. There is simply SOO much text missing that you are forced to buy the book since there is not enough depth in the audio version to really grasp/understand any of the concepts. I feel deceived and scammed.

Life changing for me. It’s really helpful if you actually do what Tony suggests.I jokingly made a list of qualities I wanted in a person as well as a list of things I would not tolerate in someone. Tony suggests a much shorter list. But I was determined to get what I really wanted! I ended up with a list of 28 qualities I’d like to have in a partner. I laughed as I continued to write and thought to myself, “No wonder I’m single!”About one month later I met someone I really liked. By this time I had completely forgotten about the list. After dating for a couple of weeks, I remembered the list and I went back to read it. Not only was she was everything on the list, but I ended up adding 2 more things because of her.There’s so much more in this book than a plan to find a great match. I plan on reading this book again!

This is specifically for the Audiobook edition,The infomation provided is good, hearing it read by Tony gives you addition intensity to the work, but unfortunately, the Audiobook is Abridged, and shorter than I would have liked. It is a great companion to listen to in the car, but you also really need to get the book to get all the information.

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Minggu, 02 April 2017

Ebook , by Deborah Kops

Ebook , by Deborah Kops

By clicking the web link that we offer, you can take guide , By Deborah Kops perfectly. Attach to internet, download, and save to your gadget. What else to ask? Checking out can be so simple when you have the soft file of this , By Deborah Kops in your gizmo. You could additionally duplicate the data , By Deborah Kops to your workplace computer system or at home and even in your laptop. Simply share this good information to others. Suggest them to see this resource and also get their searched for books , By Deborah Kops.

, by Deborah Kops

, by Deborah Kops

, by Deborah Kops

Ebook , by Deborah Kops

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, by Deborah Kops

Product details

File Size: 4546 KB

Print Length: 40 pages

Publisher: Lerner Publications TM (August 1, 2013)

Publication Date: August 1, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#115,175 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

When you peer into the nighttime sky you can often see millions of stars overhead, but you cannot see any any planets. The reason you can't see them is because "unlike stars, planets do no give off their own light." Planets, including Earth, are round bodies that orbit stars. Earth, along with seven other planets, travels or orbits around the Sun which is a star. When we talk about the Sun and its planets we are talking about our solar system. Other planets which orbit around stars in other solar systems are called exoplanets. We cannot see them when we look into the nighttime skies, but astronomers, using powerful telescopes, "have discovered more than five hundred exoplanets" since the 1990s.Astronomers have different names for the different types of exoplanets they have discovered. For example, large ones are called Jupiters and ones that have a close orbit to a star are called hot Jupiters. Smaller exoplanets, even though they may be larger than our Earth, are called Neptunes. Those who similarly have close orbits like the hot Jupiters are called hot Neptunes. In this book you'll get a more detailed explanation of these exoplanets and you'll get to see a visual representation of the Gliese 582 solar system in comparison to ours. You'll also learn how exoplanets are discovered, what astronomers know when they see a star wobble or see light dip, you'll learn about observatories, telescopes, spacecrafts, and the "future search for exoplanets."This is an exciting look at how astronomers are discovering and studying exoplanets. The beginning nonfiction text and layout of the book make the world of exoplanets easy for the young student to understand. The book is generously illustrated with photographs and artistic renditions that provide visuals for the topic at hand. For example, when the Gaia spacecraft and its mission is being discussed, there are illustrations of the craft and an imaginary artistic rendition of a hot Jupiter and asteroids orbiting a star, a scene the Gaia would try to capture. Captions are factual, adding additional information to the text, but also pose questions for the student to think about. This is a vibrant book that would appeal to a wide range of readers, including reluctant ones. In the back of the book is an index, a glossary, and additional recommended book and website resources to explore.This book courtesy of the publisher.

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, by Deborah Kops PDF