Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Ebook , by Rick Riordan

Ebook , by Rick Riordan

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, by Rick Riordan

, by Rick Riordan

, by Rick Riordan

Ebook , by Rick Riordan

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, by Rick Riordan

Product details

File Size: 5119 KB

Print Length: 396 pages

Publisher: Disney Hyperion (February 2, 2010)

Publication Date: February 2, 2010

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#52,203 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I can see why this is a favorite of children and young adults. It is fun for adults who have had some mythology education. It is especially for boys.I am thankful that the library was able to loan both the Kindle version and the Overdrive Audio version. I felt like I could relate with the main character with his dyslexia and ADHD. That is part of the reason I have to have both medias going for me to stay with it. My eyes didn't track well when I was younger, but now I have a harder time.Now, if only the book was about a girl...

I bought this book because it was on one of those $.99 lists and I thought, "What the heck." This book took me back 50 years to some of my first pre-teen adventure books, e.g. the Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The book is written from the standpoint of the protagonist who is pretty much a current pre-teen (I have 2 and one teen) with a wry irreverent sense of humor, as have many of the characters, "We don't say the "c" word." It's not the "c" word you think. The book is fun and fast moving and if you have teen/pre-teens you will recognize a fair amount of their behavior while chuckling at them. The adults are also somewhat caricatures of the typical adult, but probably as many pre-teens see us.It's fun. If you are an adult read it with your pre-teen, early teen as something to do together or in the car on a trip. You may surprise yourself that you have really enjoyed it.

A flash of lighting shatters the night sky, almost angry. Maybe Zeus is still mad. If you didn’t know about that, then you should really check out the Percy Jackson books. When you read about Percy Jackson’s adventures, like all other awesome books, you feel like you are the main character. You feel like you’ve beheaded a hydra, blown up the Gateway arch, and held a lightning bolt in your hand.The story starts with Percy warning us about reading it. Like something about if you find something familiar, then close the book immediately. Um, I read it on a Kindle, how can you close a Kindle?Then it goes on about his life. When his mom takes him on a vacation to the beach away from his abusive stepfather, she tries to get him to a camp to stop a minotaur from killing him. Yeah, a minotaur. On the way there, he finds his best friend has goat legs. Like a lot of other stories, Percy loses consciousness.When he wakes up, he finds himself in a camp full of half-gods, satyrs, a centaur, and a god of wine that always says peoples’ names wrong. Then he finds that the minotaur has sent his mother to the underworld and he has killed the minotaur. When he finds out he is the son of the sea god, Zeus gives him a death threat because he thinks that Percy took his most powerful lightning bolt.Then Percy has to go on a quest along America, fighting monsters, metal spiders, and medusa. And then into the underworld. When he does, he finds a terrible mistake…and a traitor. But enough about that! I don’t want to give you too many spoilers.I actually watched the (TERRIBLE!) movie about Percy Jackson before I read the book. After I read the book and watched the movie again, I decided that I would never watch the movie again. (Seriously, make a note: Never watch the Percy Jackson movie). The book is infinite times better, and in my opinion they ruined everything when they made the movie.Yes, I own all of the Percy Jackson books, and all of the Heroes of Olympus, the next series. Rumor has it that there is another series about norse gods and heroes. As Dionysus would say, “You’ve heard of Peter Johnson. Now, get ready for Magno Cheese.” (Magnus Chase)

My 10 year old son has read everything by Rick Riordan and absolutely LOVES the series. These books are good enough to tear him away from his iPod and keep him waiting by the mailbox for the next book to arrive! Now I'm reading them too, and we have dinner conversation about Greek mythology and American history. Recommended for any young person learning the joy of books!

I knew of the series because of the movies being released and being a big Harry Potter fan, similar genres. When my son and I finished the HP series we went looking for something else. The Percy series really hit the spot. No spoilers for the story, but the book also made my son curious about mythology.

This was a book that my son was eager to read. This was a required reading for 5th grade and he finished it pretty quickly.This is the beginning of the series and Percy Jackson is a very interesting book. I love that it's good for all ages, I enjoyed it as well.Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction — Zeus’ master bolt. Along the way, he must face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop him. Most of all, he must come to terms with a father he has never known, and an Oracle that has warned him of betrayal by a friend.

The Lightning Thief is the first book in the Percy Jackson series. It is fast paced, well-written, and full of loveable, believable characters -- even if they are children of gods. This whole series is an excellent read for anyone, and a choice pick for parents who are looking for exciting, fun, clean books for both boys and girls to read.As a school librarian, I could rarely keep this book on the shelf more than half a day. As a grandparent, I've gifted it to the grandkids, and even given copies to adult friends. It is one of those rare finds these days: a truly well-written, good book with a universal theme that still manages to be fresh.

While this book is intended for a younger set, I, an older set, still enjoyed the adventures of the accused lightning thief, Percy Jackson. This tale was interesting, convoluted and moved along at an enjoyable pace. One learns quite a bit about the Greek and Roman Gods as the pages are perused and you try to puzzle out how he is going to get out of the predicament he currently was in only to end up in one after another. It was a nice read.

, by Rick Riordan PDF
, by Rick Riordan EPub
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, by Rick Riordan Kindle

, by Rick Riordan PDF

, by Rick Riordan PDF

, by Rick Riordan PDF
, by Rick Riordan PDF

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Download When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain

Download When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain

Associated with this circumstance, you could really have the time to take When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide For Depressed Teens, By Bev Cobain as so as possible. Be just one of the excellent individuals who take this publication also for source. For ensuring you to get this publication, we will demonstrate how you could find and obtain the soft documents of it right here. Just adhere to the link that we provide and you can directly find and make deal to get this book. This is only chosen to get and also wait in some gadget that you bring all over or in the house or workplace.

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain

Download When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide For Depressed Teens, By Bev Cobain. Eventually, you will uncover a brand-new adventure and also knowledge by investing even more money. However when? Do you assume that you should acquire those all requirements when having much money? Why do not you attempt to get something simple initially? That's something that will lead you to know even more concerning the world, experience, some locations, history, entertainment, and more? It is your very own time to continue reading habit. Among guides you can appreciate now is When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide For Depressed Teens, By Bev Cobain below.

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When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain


“If there is a ‘light’ way to broach the subjects of depression and suicide, Cobain seems to have found it. The cousin of legendary rocker Kurt Cobain who suffered from bipolar disorder and killed himself in 1994, the author presents an easily understood and nonjudgmental discussion of what depression means, the types of depression, and how young people can help themselves or talk with others about it. Cobain has provided a nice pass-along for youth workers who might suspect depression in a young person.” —Youth Today magazine“The most positive book on depression one could read…should be available to all teens.”—Voice of Youth Advocates “Its honest, anecdote-filled treatment of the subject (apart from the book’s telling origins) make it a no-brainer buy.”—YouthworkerSuicide Prevention\Voices of Education (SA\VE) Reading List Selection

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About the Author

Bev Cobain, R.N.,C., works in a hospital mental health unit with teens and adults who have depression and depressive disorders. She also holds workshops to train teachers, therapists, and other professionals in effective methods of suicide intervention. She lives in Bremerton, Washington, and is the mother of two sons.

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Product details

Paperback: 160 pages

Publisher: Free Spirit Publishing; Revised & Updated edition (March 20, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1575422352

ISBN-13: 978-1575422350

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

23 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#139,868 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I bought this to use with some of my adolescents who struggle with depression in therapy sessions. Most of the students feel it reads like a dictionary and is not very engaging.

My daughter read this book while in an acute psychiatric care facility and she really connected with it. I read it at her request and I am very thankful that I did. I will never be able to understand how it feels to be a teen girl with depression. But now I can recognize how she is doing and be that trusted adult and friend that she needs.

like it.

This book provides an excellent "insider's" view of how it feels to be without hope. There is no worse place to be in life. Teens who have overcome this tragic state share their experiences with a sensivity and honesty that can be extremely useful to help parents understand what their child is suffering and help teens truly see that they are not alone, that their experience can be understood and dealt with. I recommend this book as a useful tool for anyone who works with teenagers in any capacity.

The book is good and exactly what I expected, I will use this as a reference in my work. Very helpful.

In When Nothing Matters Anymore, Bev Cobain offers a teen-friendly reference guide to adolescent depression, complete with self-help suggestions, counseling resources, and case studies of teens who sought help for their illness and now lead "normal" adolescent lives. Cobain is a credentialed author: a certified registered nurse, a mental health professional, and a recipient of the National Mental Health Association's Green Ribbon Award for efforts on behalf of teen depression awareness; however, the book reads like Cliff's Notes of a more comprehensive text - as if Cobain simply compiled the bullet-point lists, sidebars, and quick-reference statistics from an American Psychiatric Association web listing for teen depression. When Nothing Matters Anymore relies little on Cobain's personal observations and extensive experience, and too much on peppy, inspirational messages from its case study teens.The book is structured in two parts: What's Wrong? and Getting Help and Staying Well. What's Wrong? is primarily diagnostic, providing a checklist for the reader to determine whether he or she is depressed, explaining the varieties and causes of depression, and outlining the correlations between depression and chronic illness, sexual abuse, sexual identity, drug use and addiction, eating disorders, and "perceived differences" from peers. Getting Help and Staying Well highlights treatment options, suggests ways to seek help from family or trusted adults, and lists self-help activities for readers undergoing treatment. Both sections include "Survival Tips" that a health professional might suggest to any teen: Get Exercise, Have Fun, Eat Good Food, etc. There are some practical suggestions, like journaling and creating mood charts, and there is a chapter dedicated to the important topic of teen suicide, but the book as a whole rarely digs below the surface of the illness and underestimates its audience's desire (and perhaps ability?) to understand depression more fully.One aspect of the book that seems borderline inappropriate is Cobain's ad nauseam referencing of her cousin Kurt, the popular lead singer of grunge band Nirvana, whose suicide shocked the MTV youth culture in 1994. Perhaps this approach is an effective way of securing "street cred" amongst teen readers, but this hook feels opportunistic at times, particularly in "A Letter to Kurt Cobain," a three-page, sappy, metaphor-heavy eulogy in which Cobain rues that Kurt's handlers wouldn't give her the access that could have prevented his suicide. I understand the intent is to show the readers that she cared for someone they cared about and saw the beauty of his music and the tragedy of his death as they did, but to a non-teen reader, it rings hollow. Had Cobain been close with Kurt, a reader might not bawk at this inclusion, but she mentions that she did not know Kurt "personally," a fact that makes the multiple, casual mentions feel like name-dropping.

Perfect book as a guide for my niece. She and her mom loved the book/workbook so much that they shared it with the other girls in my neices inpatient. My sister could not say enough about how perfect this was!

I liked the book, the supportive and easy-to-read style, but some of the values it expressed were not consistent with my own. For this reason, I did not let my teen, who I had purchased the book for, read it.

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain PDF
When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain EPub
When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain Doc
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When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain PDF

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain PDF

When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain PDF
When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens, by Bev Cobain PDF