Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Free PDF Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)

Free PDF Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)

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Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)

Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)

Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)

Free PDF Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)

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Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3)

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 3 hours and 8 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Julia Steyson

Audible.com Release Date: September 26, 2018

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This book is excellent for someone that wants to learn the basics about Wicca on-the-go, and a handy place to start for someone new to the Craft, or just interested in learning a little bit more about it. Information is given as to types and basic building of foundations for your own spells - this is NOT a grimoire, just to be clear.The history given on the various pantheons gives brief overviews and covers most of the bases, and I like seeing all of the basic components typically used in various spells and charms in one place, instead of having to buy eight different books. Stones and herbs commonly used are mentioned, and various types of ritual are touched upon.I’d like to see a pocket grimoire sometime, for the hearth witch with kids; little household charms for everyone. All in all, a good little reference book, and worth the price to have it handle in epub form.

If you are new and starting out in Wicca then this is the perfect book for you.The book covers the history of Wicca (starting with Gerald Gardner and then referring the ancient pre-Abrahamaic beliefs breezing past the conflicted and unfounded sources for the so-called Pagan Myth) and discusses various practices such as the various deities and tools.While brief, it is written on a level that is easy for the beginner Wiccan to understood and covers the various topics in an interesting manner. For example, the section describing the various crystals state why each crystal is useful like Amethysts are used or healing mood and anxiety disorders among other things.My favorite sections are the chapters that describe the various deities sorting them into their various pantheons and how they can assist the mortal that calls them. For example if you have problem that requires clear thinking you might want to consult one of the Gods or Goddesses of Wisdom such as Athena, Brigid, or Odin.Another favorite chapter explores the various paths which Wiccans can follow to use their abilities such as Hedge Witches (who use their abilities to communicate with spirits such as through clairvoyancy or through lucid dreaming) and Green Witches (who use their abilities to help with Environmental causes like healing the earth and gardening.)This is an excellent book not only for those who are beginning their path but also for those on a familiar path to get back to the basics.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.The history of the Wiccan belief system was fascinating as were all the elements of the belief system.The writings about the moon cycles and what they represented were very cool. I didn’t know that wiccans abstain from magical practice during a dark moon.I enjoyed the thorough description of Tarot, having practiced it myself. It was very good and accurate.Reading about the Hellenistic beliefs was cool and comprehensive.There were many things I did not know about in the book too.I had no idea there are so many different types of Wiccans. From Christian Wiccans to Muslim Wiccans.This was a great read with so much information!

Nearly the polar opposite type of a book I would normally reach for, Wicca Spell book by Julia Steyson was a fascinating read. Well written by someone who has great knowledge and understanding about the subject, Steyson does a great job discussing the origin, theory and practice of Wicca in a way that made sense to someone who did not have any prior knowledge on the subject. I had no idea that the Wicca beliefs and ideologies tied back to the Chinese Lunar Wheel. Fascinating! If you’re looking to learn something new, highly recommend this book!

I am very into reading and learning about things that I know nothing about. I have never known anything about this subject and I thought it would be educational. So this this book was a very interesting read. This book is a guide to witchcraft, wicca and magic. This book is informative for a beginner or someone with knowledge on the subject. This book will teach you everything you want to learn about Wicca, spells, and magic. I recommend this book for anyone who is interested in learning about this subject.

"Wicca Spell Book" is a concise, well-written, and seemingly expertly researched introduction to the history, methodologies, and self-centering used in performing rituals and spells. The history portion was especially interesting, as I had no idea that Wicca has its roots in so many of the world's philosophies and nature-based religions (I most enjoyed the sections on Egyptian and Norse mythologies). This is a guide to preparing Wiccan practitioners at the personal level for casting various spells. This is not a kind of step by step cookbook style guide to casting spells; rather it is an introduction to different tools used in Wiccan practices, including crystals, circle drawings, and the balancing of chakras, among others. The section on using salts and bath bombs was very fascinating, as well as the portion relating to the utilization of moon phases. The book also delves into "finding your niche" as a practitioner; it explains how different personalities and different people use spells differently, and identifies which personality types are more adept at different types of casting. A more experienced Wiccan might not find this particularly useful but it is very interesting as an introduction to Wiccan practices, and worth the cost if you are interested in learning some of the background behind this unique lifestyle.Also of note, in the Kindle edition, it is very easy to navigate through each section of the book.

This is a good beginner's guide to the origins and history of Wiccanism. I wasn't sure what to expect when I bought this but it was a good read that I found informative and well written. This was a eye opener for someone that doesn't know the first thing about Wiccans outside of what we think of as stereotypical witches. What I liked is that this gave me a better understanding of those who practice Wicca or have similar practices without trying to coerce me into becoming one.

Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) PDF
Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) EPub
Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) Doc
Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) iBooks
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Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) Mobipocket
Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) Kindle

Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) PDF

Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) PDF

Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) PDF
Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches: A Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and Magic in the New Age with a Divinity Code (New Age and Divination, Book 3) PDF

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Free Ebook The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work

Free Ebook The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work

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The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work

The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work

The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work

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The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work


“A much-needed, well-written, and full-of-wisdom guide to help care for the caregiver. Nurses and other healing professionals will benefit immensely from these clear and helpful mindfulness tools and practices. I imagine a quiet revolution in hospitals as nurses begin to embody mindfulness and compassion, transforming their own lives and the lives of everyone they touch.” -Diana Winston, Director of Mindfulness Education, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center “This book should be a part of every nurse's education. As healthcare providers, we need to know ourselves and that we have needs, too. These needs can be met through mindfulness and compassion.” -Bernie Siegel, MD, Author of A Book of Miracles “Mindfulness is all the rage right now, and if you do not understand it and don't know what it can do for you and your personal and professional life, then this book will help. It guides you through the who, what, why, and how of the practice of mindfulness-all through the eyes of an author who relates it to nurses' everyday lives and tasks. Carmel shows how it can improve your own life and the care you give to patients. There are lots of practical elements to help you start practicing mindfulness, from the moment you pick up the book, to encourage you to make mindfulness a daily part of your life so that you can enjoy living more.” -Jenni Middleton, Editor, Nursing Times “Every staff nurse reading this book will say, "YES! This is nursing!" Every nurse often asks the question, "How can I manage that situation better?" Within the wisdom of this book are solutions. The suggested self-care, guidance, and techniques will raise the quality of nursing care and patient satisfaction.” -Carole Ann Drick, PhD, RN, AHN-BC. President, American Holistic Nurses Association “Carmel brings her experience of working with healthcare professionals together with her understanding of mindfulness practice to share a wealth of practical resources. All this is in service of supporting nurses to develop essential self-care skills. The result is a book that could makea great contribution to nursing school curricula around the globe.” -Sharon Salzberg, Author of Lovingkindness “An incredibly valuable tool for all nurses, whether beginning their career, reaching the point of burnout, or somewhere in between. If you are wondering where your love of the job has gone, here are achievable exercises to reconnect with that. The love is still potentially there but often lost under the stress and exhaustion that is all too common in the nursing profession. This book offers practical tools for nurses who want to serve but also to nurture themselves.” -Bronnie Ware, Author of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying “Drawing on recent groundbreaking research in the field of neuroscience, Sheridan offers an extremely readable and insightful guidebook to help nurses cultivate resilience and therapeutic presence and revitalize their practice. An excellent resource for nurses in both clinical and educational settings.” -Janice M Zeller, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor and Graduate Program Director, North Park University School of Nursing “This book offers hardworking nurses a path forward. Finally, there is an accessible and effective way to avoid burnout and become healthy, balanced, and grounded. An invaluable resource!” -Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN, FAAN, Author of Nurse Coaching: Integrative Approaches for Health “Learning how to better care for oneself and one's patients is what Carmel offers in this much-needed and practical guide for nurses wishing to develop greater mindfulness in their practice and personal lives.” -Lois Howland, PhD, MSN, RN, Associate Professor, Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, University of California San Diego; Senior Teacher, Center for Mindfulness, UCSD   "After reviewing the book, I strongly suggest that every nurse across the globe purchase a copy, and that every school of nursing make this book part of their required reading."-June Kaminsky, Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics  

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From the Author

Nursing is considered to be one of the most stressful professions, putting nurses at high risk for stress-related illness. Mindfulness and compassion - the practices of focusing awareness on the present moment, and relating kindly to ourselves and others  - offer nurses powerful resources to cope with stress. These practices help cultivate presence and empathy in everyday life, improve awareness and attention, and boost compassion for oneself and others. With a new understanding of everyday mindfulness and compassion, nurses can overcome the myriad contemporary challenges inherent in the workplace--and in their own lives.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 372 pages

Publisher: Rivertime Press (August 8, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0993324525

ISBN-13: 978-0993324529

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

25 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#274,490 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Having friends who are nurses and hearing about their daily work stresses and responsibilities, I was trying to think how to help them with their own self-care which in turn will enable them to care even better for their patients. I just happened upon this book while I was visiting a friend in Ireland and after read bits and pieces decided I had to buy the book and gift them with a copy.Although specifically written with the nurse in mind and addressing their specific needs, it also spoke to me as an alternative health practitioner (I read the book in full before gifting, shh, don't tell) and believe it would benefit anyone working in a stressful environment.This book is not only well-laid out, clear and easy to understand, but gives concrete examples of how nurses can develop ways to care for themselves - easily and simply. It also shows ways nurses can provide deeper quality care and compassion for their clients despite their heavy loads and responsibilities.Nurses need as much acknowledgment and gratitude that we can give them for their important work. I think this book should be part of the curriculum of every nursing school.

Learning how to better care for oneself and one's patients is what Carmel offers in this much-needed and practical guide for nurses wishing to develop greater mindfulness in their practice and personal lives. If I could buy a copy of this book for every nurse and nursing student, I would! I did buy several copies to be available for students to borrow from our School of Nursing's meditation and centering room called the Stress-Free Zone.

This book is a must have for every nurse!! A resource to promote self-care, resiliency, empathy, compassion and being present for patients. The format facilitates reflection, journaling, gratitude, humir and education for nurses to not just prevent compassion fatigue but to be the best nurse and live the best quality of life you can.

Gave as a gift to a LPN friend. Any nurse will like it for sure....

A good beginners' course in mindfulness for nurses with many useful ideas and a reminder of the need for nurses to take care of themselves and " put on their own oxygen mask" first.

Have shared book with a colleague who is working on her dissertation on support of nursing staff. Hope my students read it as well!

This book is full of clarity and gives a fresh perspective on how nurses can practice self-care. You will be grateful to have this book guide you at each step along the way.

Beautifully and poignantly written, in a simple yet comprehensive way. I keep it on my nightstand and read a little each night! We must re-center when we feel overwhelmed as nurses, and this book offers beautiful and compassionate recommendations.

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The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work PDF

The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work PDF

The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work PDF
The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive in Your Work PDF