Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Download The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren

Download The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren

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The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren

The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren

The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren

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The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren


“Lofgren puts a name and a shape to a problem that has often been only nebulously defined…. The logic and sophistication of his argument is hard to resist.” – Salon   “The book’s greatest value is Lofgren’s description of Washington DC” – Financial Times"I could not put this book down. . . . This should be required reading not just for every student but for every American and probably every citizen of the world." --Frank Murano "Lofgren leaves no president or party unscathed. . . Although The Deep State might sound like an expose on, say, the government's assasination of JFK, or a cover-up of UFOs, the real story is much more insidious, realistic and troubling."–Pittsburg Post-Gazette"With echoes of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address warning in 1961 about the military-industrial complex, Lofgren offers a compelling vision of what happens when a democracy becomes a plutocracy, when political dysfunction reigns supreme over democratic deliberation, and when the war on terrorism leads to the militarization of our foreign policy. . . A must-read for anyone interested in the health and sanity of our body politic."–Library JournalPraise for The Party Is Over: "A fast-moving, hard-hitting, dryly witty account of the radicalization of the Republican Party, the failures of Democratic rivals and the appalling consequences for the country at large. The Party is Over is forceful, convincing and seductive."--The Washington Post "Lofgren's often comedic take on the grim political reality in Washington is no joke. . . . He wields not only a rare integrity in this town, but credibility, too."--The American Conservative"Lofgren describes the Republic Party as an 'apocalyptic cult' given to lying and delusional thinking. . . . He writes about how the party took advantage of a profoundly ignorant electorate, an easily conned and distracted media, and a cowed Democratic Party to press the ideological struggle in spite of the deep unpopularity of many of its positions. If all of this had come from a Nation columnist, it would have been unremarkable. Instead, it came from a mild, inconspicuous Hill staffer who hadn't written a political word in thirty years in Washington [and] had the feel of a long-repressed confession and the authority of an insider's testimony, like the anti-war views of a decorated infantry officer."--George Packer, The New Yorker "A pen in Lofgren's deft hands, combined with his deep understanding of political history and acid sense of humor, becomes a sharp, deeply penetrating harpoon aimed at the heart of his subject. In addition to harpooning the bloated degenerate Republican whale, Mike harpoons the Democrats by demonstrating subtly, yet persuasively, how their growing 'uselessness' arose out of an enervating sense of entitlement to power." --Counterpunch 

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About the Author

Mike Lofgren is The New York Times bestselling author of The Party Is Over. He spent twenty-eight years working in Congress, the last sixteen as a senior analyst on the House and Senate Budget committees. He has appeared on Bill Moyers, Hardball, Chris Hayes, and To the Point, among others, and lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 336 pages

Publisher: Penguin Books; Reprint edition (September 13, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0143109936

ISBN-13: 978-0143109938

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.7 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

210 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#50,840 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is a book worth your time, written by a retired career Congressional staff insider. Author Mike Lofgren has unique and critical insight into the workings of both the Republican Party and the Congress. And his take on both are depressing, bordering on frightening. He takes no prisoners with harsh judgement of the GOP, the Democrats, and corporate America. According to him, the Republicans are essentially shills for big business and the Democrats are just plain hapless.In a nutshell, the Deep State as Lofgren describes it is a combination of elected and appointed members of the legislative and executive branches; and corporate insiders, especially the military-industrial complex, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley. Together, fueled by enormous amounts of money, they effectively control the country, regardless of which party is in power or the wishes of the electorate. Lofgren believes the ‘Deep State’ in its current form began with the Manhattan Project during WW II. He describes the country’s situation in detail with specific examples. He points out the main dangers the country faces due to the Deep State, and finally, he lays out specific corrections he believes the country must take to save itself.Readers will have widely different views about Lofgren's thesis based on their perspective. I have a few observations. First, I think he's mostly right. But I wonder why he played the game for so long and only vents his concerns after retirement. He could be viewed as quite hypocritical. At times, his rhetoric is quite shrill (over the top). Also, although the 'Deep State' might be reaching new heights of control and manipulation, I do not think this is a very new phenomenon. Think about the Railroad Barons of the 19th century and many other examples. People with vast resources have always wielded great power for possible mischief. That's not to say we should not heed Lofgren's warning and strive to retake our democracy.Mike Lofgren says the worst and most vexing problem we face is money in politics and the ills exacerbated by the ‘Citizens Untited’ Supreme Court decision. He’s exactly right. His suggested solutions, while mostly right on target, are daunting. In the current state, its difficult to see how we get there.This is a book that should cause people to think and act. I highly recommend it.

I found this book to contain a tightly woven description of the U.S. government, and its shadow state, from the point of view of a recent insider. It raised these questions among others for me: How much of this commentary reflects the possible resentment of a former employee? If any of it is a reflection of one man's disillusion and "sour apples," does that mean that the content is any the less somewhat reliable, and to what degree?And lastly, if and how to react to the theme of the book, "You thought our government is broken? Well, the it's worse than that! --- it's all a stage play, with the real decisions being made behind the scenes." The Deep State is a disturbing, fascinating read that is tough to put down until its last page. Its content invites examination of our political and governmental practices in light of damning propositions that we have indeed lost our democracy, flawed though it may have been; We are no longer guided by our Constitution and its principles. Nor do we seem able and willing to grasp the failure of our institutions of justice and law, of public education, and of fair participation in our own economy. Lastly, in checking a fair portion of the book's sources and the author's background, I have come to believe that this is an "expose" that we would all do well to heed.I recommend The Deep State to all thinking Americans.

First, I would ignore all the one star reviews that appear to be the work of disinformation trolls or those who have no read the book. Especially those that try to critique the author of being part of some "liberal" conspiracy, which is ironic since he started off in DC as a republican during the Reagan years. Simply put, this book is a MUST READ for every American. It clearly spells out how the Deep State works: A confluence of the military industrial complex, Wall Street, corporate America, and how these forces have slowly hijacked the US Government to serve the elite at the expense of the American people and our national security. The whole point of the Deep State is that it is NON PARTISAN. It transcends democrats and republicans and you simply have to follow the money. Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump is not part of this - after appointing appointing a cabinet of billionaires and generals, de-regulating Wall Street even further, and driving up the military budget while threatening to curtail what little social services we have left, have clearly drunk the Kool-Aid. You don't get to be President unless you have the tacit support of the Deep State.

Laughable. I got suckered because us Conservatives and Libertarians are more tuned in to the implications of the book's title. Downloaded the audio/kindle to listen and read. Hooked my headphones in and began a long bike ride. Shortly in Lofgren credits ...wait for it... Elisabeth Warren for calling out the Deep State. LOL. I nearly fell off my Cannondale. I thought maybe it was a joke and I missed the tone. I kept listening. In a few more minutes, he basically labels the "TEA Party" as deplorables. As I kept listening I kept cutting him some slack. Finally, I couldn't take his bias anymore and feared I might crash from jawdropping leftist bias. Lofgren's answer the Deep State seems to be more effective Democrats implementing an even deeper more politically correct Deep State. The book seems like a psyop written to quell concerns about the real Deep State, which is mainly a socialists agenda to enslave the world.

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The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren PDF

The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren PDF

The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren PDF
The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren PDF

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Free PDF Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson

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Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson

Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson

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Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson

About the Author

Thomas K. Adamson has written dozens of nonfiction books for kids on sports, space, math, and more. He lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with his wife and two sons. He likes reading and playing ball with his boys. He also likes to check scores and stats on his phone.

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Product details

Age Range: 10 - 14 years

Grade Level: 5 - 6

Lexile Measure: IG910L (What's this?)

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Series: Sports Math

Paperback: 48 pages

Publisher: Capstone Press (August 1, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1429673176

ISBN-13: 978-1429673174

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.2 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

14 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#272,402 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Grand son age 12 loved this book. Informative and educational. Fast delivery.

Perfect for young readers who are sports fans!

I chose this book for my 13-yr old son who hates to read now. He read it fast and was onto the next book but I'm just happy he's reading...

I got this book for my eight year old son who loves sports, specially basketball. The pictures in this book are very bright and coloful, and the information about the players are very good. My son loves it and learned a lot from it. I'll recommend this to anyone who has an eight year old that loves basketball. My son has trully learn a few math technics from this book.

When I gave this book to my great nephew, he seemed excited to receive it, I'll take that as a good sign.

Great for my son who doesn't like math or reading!

I have student that loves basketball. He was able to read about basketball and see the math behind it.

Fun for my 3rd grader who loves basketball and doesn't like math...it sparked his interest to relate his live of basketball to math!

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Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson PDF

Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson PDF

Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson PDF
Basketball: The Math of the Game (Sports Math), by Thomas K. Adamson PDF

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

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Product details

File Size: 879 KB

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Publication Date: August 29, 2008

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#540,496 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Monica A. Coleman (born 1974) teaches Theology and African American Religions at Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University. She has written/edited a number of other books, such as Creating Women’s Theology: A Movement Engaging Process Thought,Ain't I a Womanist, Too?: Third Wave Womanist Religious Thought,The Dinah Project: A Handbook for Congregational Response to Sexual Violence,Not Alone: Reflections on Faith and Depression, and Bipolar Faith: A Black Woman's Journey with Depression and Faith.She wrote in the Preface to this 2008 book, “this book reflects my own faith and social commitments… This book is a womanist theology inasmuch as and because it is grounded in and tested by the religious experiences of black women… This book is also a constructive postmodern theology, a process theology, because I stand with religious scholars who are inspired by the philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne… This work also reflects my North American context… This book also reflects my personal taste in literature, music, and scholarship… Thus, this book represents my attempt to answer some of my own questions and reflect on my own faith while also trying to hold together the experiences of many people and communities I’ve come to know and love.”She recalls an experience at a weekly women’s support group for domestic violence victims, with a woman she calls Lisa: “I needed something to say to Lisa. I needed a religious perspective that would not attribute her experience of violence to God… I wanted to connect the specificity of her story with a worldview that acknowledges the reality of evil and loss and finds opportunities for life in each new moment without either waiting on God to make it happen or making Lisa do it all herself. I needed a postmodernist womanist theology.” (Pg. 3)She explains, “Womanist theology is a response to sexism in black theology and racism in feminist theology…Womanist theology examines the social construction of black womanhood in relation to the African American community and religious concepts… Womanist religious scholars want to unearth the hidden voices in history, scripture, and the experiences of contemporary marginalized African American women to discover fragments that can create a narrative for the present and future… Ultimately, black women’s experiences are the foundation for womanist theology.” (Pg. 6-7)She notes, “‘Making a way out of no way’ is a central theme in black women’s struggles and God’s assistance in helping them to overcome oppression. [It] can serve as a summarizing concept for the ways that various womanist theologians describe God’s liberation of black women. But today’s context challenges a womanist theology to address the religious pluralism within the black community… a womanist theology needs to address this challenge within an explicitly postmodern framework… In order to serve black women, a postmodern framework needs to account for the pursuit of justice and the components of black religious experience.” (Pg. 9) Later, she adds, “[This concept] articulates black women’s relationships with God as they navigate the reality of their lives in the pursuit of wholeness and peace.” (Pg. 12) Still later, she adds, “It is an expression that acknowledges God’s role in providing possibilities that are not apparent in the experiences of the past alone…. possibilities offered by God into decisions that lead to survival, quality of life, and liberation for black women.” (Pg. 36)She states, “Womanist theologians who discuss salvation address the suffering and desperate situations of black women… For womanist theologians, salvation flows from their understandings of Jesus Christ. Black women identify with the experiences of Jesus… womanist theologies understand that salvation is not always liberation or freedom from all pain and suffering…. Most important, womanist discussions of salvation bring strong metaphorical language to a constructive womanist theology… Womanist theologians use familiar and indigenous expressions of black women and black religion to add particularity and power to their analysis of what it is that makes us whole.” (Pg. 31-32)She observes, “Postmodern theology describes the relationship between God and the world in ways that are consonant with life in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries… More specifically, process theology explains the constant sense of change in the world and how we exist in the midst of stability and instability… process theology… also analyzes the factors that prevent the world from being the beautiful, harmonious, adventurous place that God desires.” (Pg. 45)She concludes, “Postmodern womanist theology is an activity, It is a verb, a gerund. Health and wholeness come through teachING, healING… and creatively transformING… We are not saved apart from the communities in which we participate… Postmodern womanist theology recognizes the leaders of these communities as Saviors… A Savior is known by what she does… She leads a community that makes a way out of no way… Saviors are often those whom wider society least suspects… Postmodern womanist theology argues that a black woman is often Christ… This quest for health and wholeness focuses on social justice in local communities… These communities acknowledge the presence of God and God’s novelty in all the happenings of the world and in every element of creation.” (Pg. 169-171)This is a creative and original perspective on womanist theology, that will be of great interest to those studying Womanism, Black Theology, and related fields.

Being one who is new to both Womanist Theology and Process Philosophy, I appreciate Making a Way Out of No Way for its accessibility. Having read quite a few books on Whiteheadian theology, I realized that it is a rare quality among process thinkers to be able to express complex ideas in manageable and lucid doses. I am delighted that Dr. Coleman is among the talented few.One of the greatest contributions of process philosophy is undoubtedly its ability to incorporate a myriad of human experiences into a unified whole. By bringing together the African Indigenous Spiritual Traditions, Womanist Theology and Process Metaphysics, Dr. Coleman took me on a spiritual journey like no other. Not only is this book true to the suffering of the world, it also offers reasonable and genuine hope for the future. Brutal honesty and hope always go hand in hand for any prophetic discourse. That is why I love this book so much! I highly recommend this book!

Making A Way Out of No Way is truly a remarkable work. The author unlocks the traditional Christian mindset and opens scholarly ideas relating to the social-emotional and political plight of Afro-American women in connection to their religious and spiritual outlook. This is an extraordinary view of how Christ and salvation is interconnected to what I call the Mother Principle but the author refers to as Womanist Theology. The author magnificently demonstrates the connection between the Afro-American Womanist Theology, aspects of salvation, and African Indigenous Spirituality. Making a Way Out of No Way: A Womanist Theology is a must read for women in seminary training. This is a timely book for my spiritual journey and I am very thankful for this brilliant contribution to the spirituality and theology fields. I am looking forward to future works of author, Monica A. Coleman.

In great shape. Thank you!

It arrived as promised.

Making a Way out of No way was an excellent introduction into a black postmodern womanist appropriation of process theology.While I myself do not prefer to use process categories and Whiteheadian metaphysics, I sympathize with Coleman's reconstruction of the Christian faith for the 21st century.Theologically speaking, I have a few disagreements with Coleman since I am not a process theologian, but as a relational theologian working within the African American religious tradition, I would highly reocommend this work.

it's fine

The book had a great price and the author was a professor of one of my friend. The part regarding spiritual possession is of great help and changed my perspective on spiritual possession as a whole.

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